
I am coming down from a business “high” of supporting my business coach, Kendall SummerHawk, at her annual Money, Marketing and Soul conference.

Kendall is an amazing coach – having broken the $2 million mark herself last year – working from her home office and working exclusively with women coaches.  I was selected as one of five for a panel to discuss our accomplishments over the last year.  I was very proud to stand next to her on stage in front of a roomful of amazing women! I was almost speechless… (almost), but not quite.

I was able to share with them how Kendall’s coaching helped me to focus on the most important priorities so that my business could grow.  I transformed the way that I look at MY business model and have now been able to implement a number of special programs for my clients.   Her advice has encouraged me to focus on the benefits that my clients receive from my level of expertise and skill.  She has also opened my eyes to leveraging my time, my employees and my knowledge in order to help more people.

I have found through the years that solving my client’s immediate problem doesn’t necessarily heal the root of the problem. Kendall’s Certified Money Marketing Coach training encouraged me to revisit the activity of regular coaching for my clients. Her program validated what I have seen for years – that profitability concerns are not necessarily due to software difficulties or system issues. Instead, they are due to issues that the business owners have with money and how they see themselves with money and their business. After years of working with clients, I am able to quickly separate the “symptoms” of money issues from the issues of the heart. I created a very specific program for businesses that are growing and yet are having difficulties actually making a profit. My clients, who are business owners, are having breakthroughs regarding those issues and are truly taking charge of their revenues to create profitability.

Traditionally, I worked with clients over a period of several days, however, for the upcoming year, I am fine-tuning the format of this program. I believe that I am able to help more people accomplish their goals — if my help is spread over several months. This six-month coaching program, “Transform Your Revenues into Profits with Seven Key Steps” will begin in January 2011 and I am now accepting a limited number of new clients. Please contact me directly at or (775) 720-3282 for consideration.