Thanksgiving is a time when we give thanks — thanks for our family, our friends, our clients, our lives. I love this poem which reminds us to see the true meaning of the day, the week and the season.

Thanksgiving is a time
to reflect on the changes,
to remember that we, too,
grow and change
from one season of life to another.

Thanksgiving is a time
of changing seasons,
when leaves turn golden
in Autumn’s wake
and apples are crisp
in the first chill breezes of fall.

Let us remember the true meaning
of Thanksgiving.
As we see the beauty
of Autumn, let us acknowledge
the many blessings
which are ours…
let us think of our families
and friends..
and let us give thanks in our hearts.

~~Author Unknown.~~

We should also be sure to give thanks every day . Linda McLean has created a tool which I find helpful in creating an “Attitude of Gratitude” on a daily basis and improving my effectiveness.

Her Gratitude Journal helps to create positive change in your life and barely takes 7 minutes a day. I started using one earlier this year and initially found myself feeling silly for giving thanks for little things. However, as I continued to use it, I found myself responding to those little accomplishments every day and retraining my brain to always see the positive in any situation – even the difficult ones. I even caught myself wondering what the positive outcome would be of thorny circumstances that I was in. By using the Gratitude Journal, I accomplished more and did so with a greater effectiveness.

Linda was one of my teleseminar series guests earlier this year and you may order a copy of the audio recording F.R.E.E. 7 Minutes To Success  to learn more about the tool; or you may  order the Gratitude Journal directly from her(I receive no compensation for supporting this journal – it’s just a great tool and I think that it will improve your life).

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!