eWeek is coordinated by NCET, Nevada’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, a statewide organization that connects Nevadans to the business resources they need to succeed.

Las Vegas and Reno hold separate eWeeks. During eWeek, many regional organizations – ranging from large firms to nonprofits – hold events that include open houses, seminars, and meet-and-greets. The events during eWeek act as educational opportunities for prospective entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs and small business owners.

eWeek’s flagship event is the F.R.E.E. Las Vegas NCET Entrepreneur Expo which is scheduled for October 15 from 10 – 6:00 at the South Point Hotel.  For those of you that I haven’t met yet, please drop by my exhibit booth and introduce yourself.  I’ll be signing copies of my Smart Books = Smart Business; How to Take Charge of Your Accounting and Really Run Your Business Profitably! and would love the opportunity to meet you. (As a side note, this book is available on Kindle US and UK, iBooks, and here on my website.)

WHY should you attend the NCET Entrepreneur’s Expo or any other business events?

NCET’s Entrepreneur’s Expo is a great way to meet potential clients and a wonderful way to meet referral partners – people who like to think outside of the box. Personally, I am always looking for affiliates that I can work with where the relationship is synergistic in both directions. I have met the most interesting and remarkable people at business events such as the Expo

Another reason that I attend Expos – especially this one – is that it gives me a chance to visit directly with business owners. I like to hear about their problems, their challenges, their unique points of view. I also love meeting people working in industries that are new to me – my work is always interesting!

What will people get from NCET’s Entrepreneur Expo?
I am always amazed at how many people don’t know what the Expo is or why they should attend. It’s even more amazing that people will attend and then stride through the convention center quickly – barely giving the trade booths a passing glance.

Business owners, entrepreneurs, managers and people thinking about business should all attend the Expo. You will find is an amazing convention – full of the most knowledgeable people ever. They will answer your questions – for free; they will provide new insights into a problem you’ve had on your mind-and they will share with you their new products and services. And, these are just the ones in the actual trade show area.

This Expo, unlike some that I’ve attended, also has a large number of educational sessions going on in the adjacent rooms. Allow me to strongly encourage you to attend. We’re not talking about Joe Smith off the streets giving advice; we’re not talking about strangers or some con artists trying to lure you through the internet. These are real life people with real businesses who are trying to help you develop your business. They are, of course, interested in your business – but there are no strings attached. This is a safe environment where you meet the best and the most progressive.

What is the best way to get the most of the Expo?
First and foremost – wear comfortable walking shoes. This is a large convention center and you will be on your feet for awhile.

Check out the schedule for the guest speakers.

Plan your day around their presentations so that you can be sure to listen to them. If I were you, I would plan to visit the booths of every exhibitor – even if just briefly. If they offer a service or product that you can’t use – just let them know.

Make sure that you get materials and business cards from the exhibitors and be sure to make notes on the ones that you want to call afterwards. You might think that you’ll remember, but when you get back to your office, you’ll forget.

One piece of advice that I give freely to everyone wanting to start a small business is to be sure to get ALL the help you can. Think outside the box when you are strategizing for your sales and revenues. Ask yourself what would it take to have a successful and profitable business. What better place to find this level of help than at NCET’s Entrepreneur’s Expo?!