Is your business a little slow? Do you have extra time from working at home?

Or …just the opposite? Scrambling to keep up with new requirements in human resources? New levels of communications with clients and customers? Changes in products and services that you’re able to offer? Or…maybe you’re one of the lucky ones whose changes in your business haven’t been material? And, maybe you’ve actually expanded during this time? Regardless…there are seven key steps to creating a profitable business.

They are the classic seven steps that I’ve shared for years; the steps I’ve encouraged each of you to implement to fulfill your success. NOW…you know why these seven steps are imperative; and now’s a good time to implement them. Why wait? Busy? Slow? Business the same? Doesn’t matter…our economy will be recovering as soon as quarantine is over! Prepare yourselves now! 

Through the years, I’ve seen the “behind-the-scenes” of many businesses. I see what works and what doesn’t work…I know who struggles and why. I’ve helped these businesses create profitability always by focusing on these seven key steps…internal systems development (accounting) is just one of the seven; (albeit, a very important one!) Quarantine is already being lifted in parts of the world; it will lift here as well.

If you have slow time, prepare; if you’re hectic, hold the course and fine-tune in incremental adjustments. Regardless, there’s no better time to start than today! To create your action plan for your economic recovery by implementing these seven basic and key steps, please join me for NCET’s Biz Café on Wednesday, May 6, 3 pm (pst).